
In recent years, in Spain we have become familiar with terms such as “corn cake” either “tequeño”, coming from Venezuelan gastronomy. Other words were already familiar to us, such as “empanada”. It is rare to find a Hispanic American country in which the latter is not typical, and Venezuela is no exception. Compared to the most famous ones here -the Argentine empanadas-, which are made with wheat flour and baked, in the Caribbean country the flour is corn and they are fried. From there, the possibilities are endless: they accept fish (dogfish is the most common), chicken, shredded meat, cheese or black beans (beans), to name just a few fillings.

In Venezuela They are prepared at home and are for sale in bars, luncherías (informal food establishments) and street stalls, where they are consumed mainly during the day: they are the breakfast of half the country. So that you are encouraged to give them life with your own hands, we have visited the Venezuelan restaurant The powerful, in Barcelona, ​​and there they taught us the recipe for the shredded beef empanada. It’s all in the video above.

La Poderosa shredded meat empanadas


For about 15 empanadas

for the meat

  • 1 kg of beef (empty)
  • ½ carrot
  • ½ green or red pepper
  • ½ onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Cilantro
  • Salt

For the sofrito

  • 3 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 onion (250 g)
  • 1 red pepper (250 g)
  • 10 tablespoons (150 g) crushed tomato
  • 10g cilantro

For the mass

  • 1/2 kilo of precooked corn flour (PAN type)
  • 750 ml of water
  • 2 teaspoons of salt

For the guasacaca sauce

  • 1/2 green pepper (100 g)
  • 1/4 white onion (50 g)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/4 sprig of cilantro (30 g)
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 lime
  • 75 ml vegetable oil
  • 50 ml white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt



Put the beef, onion, garlic and cilantro in a pot. Cover with water, salt and cook over low heat for two and a half or three hours.


For the sauté, put the sunflower oil in a frying pan, and when it is hot add the chopped garlic, salt and cumin. Sauté being careful not to burn it.


Add the chopped onion and sauté. Next, add the chopped red pepper, lower the heat and cook for about 10 minutes.


Add the tomato – crushed or grated – and let it take on a little color. Cook for a few minutes over low heat.


Remove the meat from the pot and reserve the broth for other preparations. Shred by hand (see video).


Add the shredded meat to the sauce and cook for a couple of minutes over low heat. If it is very dry, add some of the broth. Turn off the heat, add the chopped cilantro and let it cool.


For the dough, mix the three cups of water, the salt and finally the pre-cooked corn flour in a bowl. Knead by hand or with the help of a hand mixer. It should have a texture similar to plasticine and without lumps. Form into a large ball and let it rest for five to 10 minutes.


Heat a pot, a deep fryer or a deep frying pan with plenty of vegetable oil.


While the oil is heating, assemble the empanadas. Take a piece of plastic wrap – or cut out a bag – rectangular in shape, about 30×50 centimeters. You can wet the plastic a little so that the dough does not stick. On one side of the plastic, place a ball of dough the size of your fist. The other end of the plastic is folded over that ball and flattened with your hand until it forms a round tortilla. The thickness is optional, but it should be around three millimeters.


Fill with the meat and the sauce to taste, fold the empanada on itself and cut it with a cup or bowl (see video). The leftover dough is reused.


Fry the empanadas in the hot oil for about five minutes, until golden. Let it cool a little before eating (the empanada keeps a lot of heat inside).


For the sauce, put the chopped solid ingredients in a blender glass: cilantro, green pepper, onion and garlic clove. Also add the avocado and finally the oil, white vinegar, the juice of one lime and salt.


Beat until it acquires the consistency of a slightly liquid paste. It doesn’t matter if there are lumps.


The classic way to enjoy empanadas with sauce is bite-put sauce-bite-put sauce. Repeat this until the empanada is completely extinguished and the diner is completely satisfied.

If you have questions or complaints about our recipes, write to us at elcomidista@gmail.com. You can also follow El Comidista on TikTok, instagram, x, Facebook either Youtube.


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