
I am lucky through my work to be regularly invited to the restaurant. I take great pleasure in it but I must say that I have rarely taken a slap like last week at There Pavia Table has Saint Emilion. The trio formed by Yannick Alleno, Sébastien Faramond (Executive Chef) and Sébastien Nabaile (Pastry chef) actually put a lot, a lot of glitter in my dinner.

The house is beautiful, I already knew that having visited previously. Already the place. Located in the upper part of Saint-Emilion, the hotel-restaurant offers a panorama of the city classified as a UNESCO heritage site that we never tire of.

Saint Emilion

Saint Emilion

Inside, although the dining room is still lit by magnificent chandeliers from the Bréhat glassworks, some transformations to the curtains allow natural light to penetrate. I really like.

A trip to the heart of New Aquitaine

Kitchen side, it was already exceptional but now it has become breathtaking. The map created by Yannick Alleno, Sébastien Faramond and Sébastien Nabaile pays homage to the Aquitain terroir in the most beautiful way.

I find that it is not easy to define Gironde cuisine, there are no truly emblematic dishes, a bit as if here, gastronomy was more at the service of wines than the other way around. But the chefs were able, thanks to a clever mix of wines and products, to bring out the very essence of our territory, its markers.

Compared to previous years, I had the impression that the puzzle had completely fallen into place, that the work carried out day after day, month after month had arrived at this obviousness, at this accuracy which amazes the taste buds.

In the menu tasted that evening I found local products such asshadthe caviar of Plum Houseasparagus, peanuts from SoustonsTHE prunesall sublimated by the sauces and the extractions so dear to Yannick Alleno.

The dishes

Among those who amazed me, I would mention:

This omelette stuffed with Adour shad, served with parsley coulis, caviar sauce and Oscietra caviar from Maison Prunier. Like a yin and a yang, these 2 complementary juices season this creation around shad, this sometimes unloved estuary fish (lots of bones). Wow effect guaranteed.

Adour shad omelette with herbaceous Plum caviar

Adour shad omelette with herbaceous Plum caviar

These white asparagus tips, curried peas, slice of sugar-free preserved Meyer lemon (a technique by Yannick Alleno). I fell in love with this tasty dish, with its captivating flavors and a little twist that changes everything: this Meyer lemon candied which brings the tanginess without the sweetness.

A very, very great dish that will stay in my memory for a long time.

This Poached langoustine, vanilla seeds, spire of Pavie stew, Plum caviar grains. There too a mixture of flavors which amaze: the vanilla, suave, warm, the wine sauce, complex and slightly acidic, the caviar which brings an extra iodine and seasoning… And this langoustine of exceptional quality. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen one of such a beautiful size.

A wonder !

What is magical is that this accompaniment does not overwhelm the delicate flavor of the langoustine but enhances it.

Sébastien Faramond and Yannick Alleno

Sébastien Faramond and Yannick Alleno ©Nicolas Bouriette

And then there was also, in disorder:

  • A Bordeaux-style snail, cooking broth (cold and flavorful), foam just full of Bordeaux-style snail: a perfect appetizer to whet the appetite.
  • A leaf-by-leaf cuttlefish with Soustons peanut extract, puff pastry bread with duck foie gras and salted cream of flesh: a dish that I liked but which confused me a little.
  • White asparagus, grated fruity Comté, veal jus and fresh Périgord walnuts: classic and delicious!
  • And a wonderful rib of suckling lamb, juice pearled with chorizo ​​oil, mandarin and matured asparagus. I didn’t put it in my favorite dishes because my photo isn’t beautiful but again, what a dish!
Château Pavie ©Serge Chapuis

Château Pavie ©Serge Chapuis

Everything was accompanied by excellent house wines selected by the always very pleasant sommelier, Benoît Gélin: Château Monbousquet 2019 (Bordeaux Blanc), Château Monbousquet 2016 (Saint-Emilion Grand Cru), Château Pavie 2001 (Saint-Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé 2001) and Château Pavie 2015 (Saint-Emilion Grand Cru)

The desserts

I tell you often, I am not a sweet tooth. But I admit that with the creations of Sébastien Nabaile, I am becoming one. How can you not melt with pleasure in front of this macaronade of strawberries, black lemon, wild fennel, garden flowers, all in lightness and elegance.

As for this warm chocolate tart, Maury sauce, textured Tahitian vanilla ice cream, it reconciled me with chocolate. Yes, sometimes I find it extremely good 😀 .

I came away from this dinner amazed but also comforted. Comforted, because I say to myself that soon perhaps we will have new star-rated people in Gironde in general and a 3-star in particular 😀. I was so disappointed a few weeks ago when I returned from Tours where the Michelin Guide 2024 ceremony to see our beautiful, somewhat forgotten region #TeamChauvine 😀.

The Perse family, owners of the place, clearly have the means to achieve their ambitions and will, I hope, contribute to offering our beautiful region a well-deserved reward. Fingers crossed for 2025.

Last thing to say, the service is impeccable, attentive but without fuss.

Useful information

The Pavie Table – 5 Place du Clocher, 33 330 Saint-Émilion

The restaurant holds 2 Michelin stars. For your information, only 75 restaurants in France have this distinction. You can see the map here.

Hours of operation :

  • At lunch from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. last order
  • At dinner from 7:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. last order
  • Closed Sunday, Monday all day and Wednesday and Thursday for lunch

You know everything !


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