
Finally Cheese

Finally Foods is an Israeli company that works on the development of casein-producing potato plants thanks to cellular agriculture or molecular, that is, the production of animal proteins in plant foods. The goal is to provide additional sources of animal protein in an economical and environmentally sustainable way.

As we know, the molecular agriculture It is basically the modification of genes of plant species so that they can produce certain proteins, in this case of animal origin. The company has focused on casein production in potato plants, the main protein found in milk, since it is considered the best plant species both for its high yield and for the ease of extracting the protein.

Finally Foods used the artificial intelligence for planning protein structures and finding the best “host”, in this case the potato, he subsequently modified the genes so that it produced the animal protein after cultivation. The company comments that although the potato variety is transgenic, the casein it produces is not, something that probably more than one will question.

Regarding the extraction process of animal protein, the company has not given more details about where it is specifically produced (something logical), although it assures that the location is correct and exact, since it is one of the key factors to achieve an extraction Efficient and effective. When the plant grows, the protein is harvested and can be used as if it had been obtained from cow’s milk, ensuring that It is not a substitute, but something realsame as the original.

The company argues that cows are a wasteful source of protein and to date it has been able to afford it, but now it is necessary to look for alternative sources of protein that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. With the protein obtained, different foods can be prepared, such as, for example, what they call Finally Cheesea product that would be advertised as 100% cheese, 0% cow, which would be delicious, sustainable and respectful of the planet.

Cellular agriculture to produce casein

The Artificial intelligence plays an important role in producing proteins from alternative sources, with this tool you save time and increase the precision of the results. It must be said that Finally Foods is based on collaboration with Evogene, an Israeli computational biology company responsible for the GeneRator AI technological engine, which has allowed it to make a big difference, since the process is totally interactive, where data is obtained and data are provided to optimize the protein structure. Those responsible for the company comment that molecular agriculture has the potential to revolutionize the food industry and promote healthier diets, a discourse similar to that of other companies that work on the development of alternative proteins.

Other companies are already producing alternatives to casein, remember for example the startup New Culture, which works on the manufacture of “cow’s milk cheese” made from Microorganisms genetically altered to produce casein proteins. In fact, in 2019 it presented a mozzarella with practically the same organoleptic and nutritional characteristics as the traditional buffalo mozzarella, we talked about all of this in this post.

The truth is that efforts are increasing to find more sustainable food alternatives. In addition to cellular agriculture, we can mention the precision fermentationIn both cases the purpose is to produce recombinant proteins without the need for animals to intervene. Finally Foods comments that the precision fermentation works well for the production of different proteins, but for the production of four subtypes of casein at once, cellular agriculture is better, since it is intended that the genetically modified potato plant can produce the four subtypes that make up casein (alpha S1, alpha S2, beta and kappa-casein).

There is a drawback, as they explain herebeing a new product intended for food and also obtained from a transgenic crop, regulations in some regions of the world will be an obstacle to its introduction into the market. We will be attentive to the development of the company, for now, you can learn more details about their work through their Web page.

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