What would you think if I told you bicycle, sailor, sailor and marriage? One of the tapas that I like the most is the Russian salad, that’s why I don’t miss the opportunity to prepare all the ones I try and like. Today we travel without leaving home to Murcia, there they proudly boast of this salad, their most famous tapa.
4 “monalisa” variety potatoes
200 g of northern albacore
Pickled anchovies
For the mayonnaise:
2 eggs
Lemon juice
Extra virgin olive oil “Arbequina” variety
Equivalence table
Where to buy my utensils
We prepare the mayonnaise. In a mixing glass we add a couple of eggs, salt to taste, lemon juice also to taste and olive or sunflower oil. We beat. We reserve in the refrigerator.
We peel 4 potatoes that we have cooked from the day before and cold from the refrigerator. We add salt to taste and mash them with a fork. We crumble 200 g of drained Northern bonito. We add a good handful of variants, which are nothing more than pickled and chopped pickles and carrots. Finally, we add 3-4 tablespoons of our mayonnaise and stir well.
We take a spoonful of salad and put it on top of the donut, it is important to put it in the part where the donut joins, so that when you bite into it it does not break and everything falls out. This is the Murcian bicycle. If we want a sailor, we put an anchovy on the bicycle. If we want a sailor, we put an anchovy in vinegar. And if we add an anchovy and an anchovy, then we will have a marriage.
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